Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Mystery of Now

Let us say you are a thought system. This thought system (which you have but which you think you are) is composed of all the words, the images, and the feelings they invoke that arise within and that you seek out. Outside this thought system is the presence of your body. So now we see that you are two, a thought system and a physical system. The two co-arise. At times, one seems more dominant than the other. I prefer to say they interflow. And yet there is a Thirdness here. The thought system and the physical system interflow in Now, in the mystery of Now.

When we live in mind only or in body only or in rapid vacillation between the two, we can become an inflamed appendix on the gut of Now. What is Now? Now is as near as your breath. When you breathe into your thought system, it loosens and expands. You are more present (rather than forecasting or denying).You move outside of the parenthesis (parent - thesis) of your mind to Here. At the role call, you simply answer "Present!" You move in accord with Here. You continue living in, arising out of, this mystery of Now. Life is simple.