Friday, July 4, 2014

John 3:16

“For God gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

What does this mean that “God gave?” The Origin, the Source, the Mystery gave of itself, sacrificed itself, opened itself to producing this Cosmos in which we live and of which we are a part. Some call it the Big Bang, a peculiarly unpoetic term. I call it Creation. An exhaling. A breathing out of desire and want and urge. God gave.

What did God give? What did the Origin originate? What did the Wellspring spring forth?  The mythopoetic language of John says “his only begotten Son.” Traditionally, the Son is thought of as embodied in the form of Jesus. Yes, and what does this mean? Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions (or rooms).” Jesus is referring to his Cosmic Body, which is also our body when we open beyond the physical into the spiritual realm of Christ Consciousness. Not only are we part of the Cosmos unfolding, we are the Cosmos unfolding. (This is not a matter of egocentric pride, for when one falls into that, one is no longer the Cosmos unfolding but a ruptured appendix in space/time.)

Our Source breathed out, still breathes out, and gives us ourselves within and as this marvelous continuously unfolding Cosmos in which and as which we live and move. Each of us is a stream, a streaming in this unfolding Ocean. When we believe in this Flow, this Outpouring, this Springing of the Wellspring, we are believing in our larger Self.

Belief is not merely an intellectual process where one stands aside, mulls it over, sees the logic, and gives consent. No. Belief is merge, total merge. Belief is full consent and openness. Belief is full practice of becoming and being a Cosmic citizen.

When we move away from identification of ourselves as a particle and open to “full court press,” to allowing our consciousness to expand in the same way Jesus did, we identify with (become identical to) the Cosmos unfolding from the Source and we never die. As our Source (God) breathes out, we move into continuous adventure. When our Source breathes in, we return Home, ready for the next exhalation.


  1. Thank you, good brother. Beautifully told and gratefully received. As we continue this journey out and in, we continue shining, for that is our nature.

  2. Thank you so much for this interpretation, thi reminder. It is so easy to get caught up in an idea of our small separate selves.
