Sunday, April 27, 2014


The Hymn of the Soul is a much loved story of exile and return. Its author is Bardaisan (bar: son of; daisan: leaping river), Son of the Leaping River, (154 - 222 CE). He was named for the turbulent river in his town of birth, Edessa, in what is now Turkey. Skilled in the martial arts (one person observed him outlining with his shot arrows the face of a friend holding up a shield), an unorthodox Christian (he taught that one member of the Trinity is Feminine), a poet, a philosopher, and author of a multitude of books, he was a true Warrior of Spirit. We have only excerpts from his books, preserved in the writings of others. The Hymn of the Soul, existing in its entirety, has been faithfully handed down to us for over 18 centuries.

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