Saturday, May 10, 2014


Fire. The heat, the hotness, the burning of fire. All temporary shelter erected as protection and defense  is burned. That which will not last is obliterated. Illusion is destroyed. Only the pure remains, the fire itself that burns within your heart. You are the alchemical furnace in which gold is being made. 

The three were told to bow to the king. "We bow only to the one who forms us." "We'll see about that," said the king. He had them thrown into a furnace so hot it killed the ones who threw them in. The king stood back and looked. The three were walking around in there and a fourth was with them. 

We go through the fires of our life. We are not destroyed, but transformed. A new element is added to our mind-body-soul trinity. An element that was there all along. Spirit. The Life Force. 

They told me the barn had caught fire and burned. It contained all my stuff I had moved from the house of a failed marriage. My stuff was gone. I laughed. Unencumbered. Transformed. Spirit. 

The fires of purification, of transformation.

1 comment:

  1. The burning of all we have become makes room in our hearts... It allows for the capacity required to perceive beyond barriers that have fashioned. Time for letting go....
