The prototype of Christ on a cross is the serpent raised up on a pole so that all who had been bitten could look upon it and be healed (Numbers 21: 8). The serpent was thus viewed as both the cause of the mortal illness and its cure. We see a progression here from the view that the serpent is a representation of evil to its symbol as a cure. The caduceus further amplifies this understanding in its portrayal of a wand of healing with two serpents intertwined. The pole with one snake becomes a pole with two snakes.
The transformative powers of healing are symbolized by a snake because of its capability (and necessity) of shedding its skin. As it grows, it leaves its old skin behind and becomes new.
The caduceus is also a depiction of the human energy body. The pole is the spinal column, the location of the Line of Light that extends to infinity “above” and to infinity “below.” The intertwining serpents are the twin energies that move from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. The energies do not go straight up but move from one side of the body to the other as they go. The locations of their crossing each other are known as specific wheels (chakras) of energy that are crucial for human health, healing, and transformation.
The necessity of opening and embodying these wheels of energy is known by practitioners of the martial, healing and spiritual arts (all three arts are relationship arts and use the same principles). For example, all three arts know the importance of centering in the spot just below the navel and deep inside, known in the martial arts as the tantien or hara. After centering, one opens the energies of the heart and of the head. The heart, head, and hara interflow creating one brain, one awareness.
As the caduceus indicates, there is also an energy center above the crown of the head. The activation of this center has been shown in paintings as a halo. The nimbus, or full body aura, occurs with the activation of all energy centers. Energy flows up and down the physical and subtle body simultaneously, “angels ascending and descending.” (In Ladder terminology, the two serpents are the rails and their places of intersection are the rungs.)
Further understanding of all the caduceus portrays occurs when it is viewed three-dimensionally and seen as the double helix of the DNA spiral.
Further understanding of all the caduceus portrays occurs when it is viewed three-dimensionally and seen as the double helix of the DNA spiral.
This creates a great visual for centering practice. So far the results have been powerful. I am also reminded of the Buddhist concept of Bodhicitta, or opening the heart-mind. Excellent for increasing capacity and sending the energy of loving kindness to where is may be most needed... effective in erasing barriers that lead to the illusion of separation. Thank you!