Friday, May 23, 2014

Experiencing the "Stepping Down" of God

Energy that can overwhelm, blow out all circuits in its raw elemental power, seen for example in a lighting bolt, must be "stepped down." This stepping down process allows the Elemental Energy to be felt, to be embodied in more gentle form.

Over time, specific symbols and symbologies have been created by experiencers of this process. The symbols can be looked at, viewed intellectually as if "out there," objects to be understood. Cold detachment, however, profits little and results in dusty artifices stored on museum shelves as spiritual oddities.

The best way, the most energizing way, to know these symbols and symbologies is to experience them, to become them, to see through them., through their transparency into the Heart of the Living God, the Source and Sourcing of all Being, the One Who Breathes Us, the One who brings us here and who takes us home (to paraphrase Rumi). The stepping down process in this way results in Merge. (Merge =  m-erg-e, "me" with a unit of power, of energetic force, "erg," vibrating within.)

Each symbol or symbology is a potential transformer of the essence of one's being; potential because unless one tries it on, becomes it, sees through it (about which more later), clothes oneself in its raiment, surrenders to it, no transformation occurs.

These symbols represent a powerful process, the alchemical transformation of our being from lead into pure gold. Rather than being a separate wanderer in the night, one becomes an active participant in the Cosmos, a sourcing of the Source, a child of God.

Some of the symbols of transformation that have proved so powerful over time are the Ladder, the Star of David, the Cross, the Tao Sign, and the Caduceus. One of the symbologies (grouping of symbols) is the Kabbalah. Each will be explored.

1 comment:

  1. I've been working on my own symbols of late -- a symbol for opening my heart to create greater capacity, a symbol for keeping my mind still -- like the moon reflected on a still lake -- and a symbol for the pearl of exceptional value / cost. I look forward to reading and learning how we use symbols to allow the energy of the Source to transform us, or allow us to participate in that process. Thanks George!
