In Jacob’s dream, the body consciousness has been laid down. The psyche or soul consciousness is open and describes itself using body consciousness imagery: a ladder with its base or feet on the ground and its apex or head in the sky; angels (messengers) are going up and coming down. We see that the soul, our innermost being, is both a channel (ladder ) of communication and the communication itself.
Messengers with their messages are continually going and coming. The communication is two-way. “Those who know themselves know their Lord” is an age-old understanding. How is this so? Openness of one’s soul (capaciousness) allows the free flow of Energy (Wisdom, Knowledge, Love) that is always already present. We know as we are known. The One who breathes us is closer than our very breath.
A temptation is to go higher and pull up the ladder after one. That will come soon enough. For now, we walk the earth with heavenly blessings, a “ladder” on the move.
What are the rails of this ladder and its rungs? (We will come across this imagery again with the caduceus and, to some extent with the cross.) The two rails of the ladder are our own dualistic nature and the duality of the world in which we live (me - you, us - them, good - bad, right - wrong).
Our own bodily form is dualistic in nature. We see this in the sayings “on the one hand and on the other hand” and “put your best foot forward.” Our right side and our left side are the rails of the ladder we are. The center line (the “Line of Light” it is sometimes called) is made up of the “rungs” allowing the communication flow of relationship between the Below and the Above.
At times we may get stuck on one rung, at one particular energy site, but for full functioning as a human, we must have all systems open at once. Opening the heart seems most effective here.
Angels of energy ascend and descend. We are continuously being exiled and returning. We are envoys from a far off space which is right here, right now as long as we stay in contact, keep our ladder open.
This has brought a whirlwind of images to my mind's eye, and given me much food for thought. What a blessing your words are!