Sunday, May 11, 2014


As you can see, I have added to the title of this book. It went from "Exile and Return" to "Exile and Return: The Transformation of the World." The book has expanded its vision and solidified its focus.

There is no need to outline the problems we face on Earth today. We hear about them so much we become numb to them. I have written of them in my “Letters to the Yet Unborn.”

Instead I wish to focus on a solution. That’s right. Not solutions. A solution. Here it is: When you change yourself, you change the world. We change the world one by one.

What are we changing? Our consciousness. When our consciousness moves to a different realm, those around us are affected. We are spheres of influence. As we transform, so does the world around us.

I speak not here of a nicer tidier form of ego consciousness, a sweeter, more endearing you. I speak of a transformation of consciousness that will shake you to your core leaving the shattered shards of the old fearful angry anxious you far behind.

The practical methods for doing so are available. It is time the human species achieved new birth. Let’s do it. With new consciousness comes new action.

Bear with me as I write this book online. Read each section as it appears. Read deeply and apply its resonance to your own transformation. No one can do it for you. You transform yourself. Willing help, however, comes from perhaps unexpected sources.

1 comment:

  1. The solution makes sense to me, George. My fearful, angry, anxious self shards have overstayed their welcome. Onward!
