Sunday, May 4, 2014


If there were no problem, there would be no problem.

Problem, at its root, means to throw (ballein) before (pro). If we did not throw something before us, there would be nothing thrown before us. No problem, as is said today instead of you are welcome.

No problem. There is nothing thrown before us or between us. There is nothing in our way. No thing. Not a thing.

If there were no problem, there would be no problem. When we throw nothing before us, “in front” of us, there is nothing thrown before us. Nothing we have thrown in our way to derail us, to throw us off our (imagined) track.

But I want to get this done, you say. Well do it. No problem.

But can I not imagine the future? Of course. Imagine all you want. Understand this is a form of self hypnosis. You are the one sitting here. The one. The one dividing itself up into problematic fragments.

But isn’t our (Western) civilization built on problem solving? Yes. Look at it. Everything is a problem that must be solved. We say we are making progress. There is no progress without problems. The more progress we make the more problems there are.

I speak not here of Western civilization, another problem we throw before us. I speak of me, of you. How can we live without our problems? How can we not continue throwing something before us? Through open Awareness here now. Through open heart-mind.

We do not put ourselves in exile. We are here. We know what to do. Actions unfold out of here, always out of here. No problem. Unless we want to make a problem, which of course is our precise addiction.

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